Tuesday, 23 January 2018

1A - Digital Technology

PLAN- Describe and evaluate the skills development over the course of the production work from the film opening to the music video.

Introduction - Introduce Both tasks AS and Alevel. Explain what level of skills you had at the beginning of the course and compare to what you have now at the end of A2

Paragraph 1 - AS film opening - Prelim Music Video  (Stages of progression)

Paragraph 2 - Nova Music video - how digital technology skills developed 

Paragraph 3 - Main Technology used and how it impacted our work and helped us to develop 

Paragraph 4 - Overall Conclusion  

Points - Make sure you use HOW and WHY and HOW EFFECTIVE  throughout and support your points and say how your skills enabled you to improve. Show reflection on your work. 

Explain how your Digital technology skills have developed over time and how this has contributed to your overall media outcome?

Throughout the duration of my two-year media course, the skills I have developed within digital technology have advanced significantly. When I initially started the course my skills were very basic and limited I had no prior knowledge of editing or using software such as Adobe Premiere Pro.

The first media task in year 12 consisted of editing footage onto Adobe Premier pro the task was simple it consisted of importing video footage onto the software and creating a sequence, looking back the task was very basic but at the time it was a significant starting point for my editing abilities as it allowed me to play around with transitions and cuts on a professional editing programme. It was a good introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro. The second task involved copying the open sequence to the film 'Juno' which involved filming as well as editing. I used the school camera (what it called) to film the shots the camera was straightforward and easy to use, however, the quality was grainy and I found it difficult to focus the camera. In contrast when filming the Music Video and film opening I used a more advanced camera the Canon 750D, this made a significant difference to the outcome of the footage as I was able to gain experience using different angle exposures, colour modes and different lenses to capture the perfect shots this showed progress in my work as the outcome in year 13 looked more professional and of higher quality.
When editing year 12 Juno task it was not very challenging nor creative as we were just copying, the editing which consisted of basic cuts and transitions.
In year 13 my digital technology skills really began to improve, our first task was a music video prelim, this made the editing much more challenging and complex as we there was quicker cuts and transitions which had to match in time to the original music video. My skills were then advanced in the 'banana phone task' where we were advised to use a variety of editing techniques, such as reverse, three-way split screen, mirroring etc. This task was much more creative than the previous tasks in year 12 giving me the opportunity to really experiment with editing and try professional techniques improving my confidence and ability on Adobe Premiere Pro. This had an impact on the final music video which had an outcome that looked almost professional.  The music video I created was at a fast pace which meant lots of quick cuts, within the first minute there are 57 cuts with a variety of angles and shots, this is a huge difference from the editing of 14 cuts in the first minute of the Juno task i year 12, highlighting the progress in my editing abilities. In the music video, I used more advanced effects such as colour correction and warp stabiliser to achieve stable and smooth footage as well as other effects I had learned to use through previous tasks such as reverse, speed, and mirror.

Throughout the media course, 'Blogger' was the main platform for publicising our work, the standard of my blog has improved from being basic in year 12 too much more in-depth and detailed posts in year 13 including the use of relevant labels and easy to view layouts. I have also used more presentational sites this year such as Emaze and Prezi rather than just writing blog posts, this helps to show creativity and can be embeded on to the blog.

I have also used a number of other digital platforms such as Photoshop and wix. In year 12 when creating a poster and advertisement for our film opening, i would have used Word as I was familiar with the software. However, in year 13 I challenged myself to use more complex and advanced programmes such as Photoshop which was used to edit the Digipak and magazine cover. Wix was also used to create a professional website for the artist of our music video.

Overall the skills and techniques I now possess are far more advanced and significant than the limited knowledge and ability I prior had, which has clearly been shown through the outcomes of the tasks across year 12 and 13.