1B (30 Mins)
Prelims, Digipak, and Website
Choose one production + Theory
Why the concepts were important and significant, lots of REFLECTION.
Targeting the audience how did they respond.
Apply the models.
How you got feedback how you communicated with the audience .
N arrative - TODOROV, LEVI (Film Opening)
G enre - DISTINCT. (Film Opening)
R epresentation - DR. CAGES
A udience - Uses + Grates, effects, editing, decoding ( Music Video Audience)
M edia Language - Any theorist (Music Video)
- Editing
-Mise en scene
Basic Essay Structure
1) Define the concept you have been given in the question e.g "Genre is a type of ...."
2) Outline the Production you have chosen to evaluate
3)Tell the examiner what you're going to discuss, use theories
Para 2: Using theorists describe key concepts. Outline 2/3 ideas of theorists and how it relates to your production
Para 3: Apply the concept
Para 4: Show ways in which ideas work in relation to your production
para 5: Conclusion - Sum up by returning to the question and, having discussed key issues, say how your product follows or challenges the conventions of that issue
Discuss how audiences are represented and how your product applies - mention the effects theory and audience consumption habits. Every media product has to have an audience, otherwise in both a business sense and probably an artistic sense too it would be judged a failure. In your projects, you will undoubtedly have been looking at the idea of a target audience- who you are aiming it at and why; you should also have taken feedback from a real audience in some way at the end of the project for your digital evaluation, which involves finding out how the audience really ‘read’ what you had made. You were also asked at AS to consider how your product addressed your audience- what was it about it that particularly worked to ‘speak’ to them? All this is effectively linked to audience theory which you then need to reference and apply. Here are some links to some starting points for theories:
Three theories of Audience.
1) The effects Model or the Hypodermic model
2) The uses and Gratifications
3) Reception Theory
The effects Model - The power lies with the message
- Audience are passive and powerless to prevent the influence
- The consumption of media texts has an effect or influence on the audience
The Hypodermic Model
- The message in media texts are injected into the audience by the powerful
- Audience becomes addicted e.g adverts promoting cigarettes to be good for you make the audience convinced
P ersonal Indentifiaction
I nformation/ Newspaper/Documentaries/Question Time
E ntertainment
S ocial interaction (Watching a film and then telling your friend about it)
Reception Theory
Prefered Reading/coding (Agree with the reading)
Negotiated (Sensible reading)
Oppositional (Does not accept the media text)
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